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The following page documents visual specifications such as color, typography, structure, and AI presence.


Refer to the text input, dropdown, checkbox, radio button, toggle, and button pages for specific typography details on each component.

Example of form fields in the two colors


Form headings and labels should be set in sentence case with the first letter of the first word capitalized. Refer to the text input, dropdown, checkbox, radio button, toggle, and button pages for specific typography details on each component.

ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Heading28 / 1.75Regular / 400$heading-03
Label12 / 0.75Regular / 400$label-01
Field text14 / 0.875Regular / 400$body-compact-01
Helper text12 / 0.75Regular / 400$helper-text-01
Error message12 / 0.75Regular / 400$label-01


Forms are made up of several different components. The order in which these elements are arranged is flexible and by default the vertical spacing between elements follow the guidelines below. The vertical spacing in a default form can be adjusted to be smaller than the default depending on the use case or layout.

Forms can be one column or two. The width of each column varies based on the content and layout of the design. On mobile, forms can only have one column.

ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Form itemsmargin-bottom32 / 2$spacing-07
Title areamargin-bottom40 / 2.5$spacing-08
Gutter between items–32 / 2$spacing-07
Buttonsmargin-top48 / 3$spacing-09
Structure and spacing measurements for a double column form

Structure and spacing measurements for a double column form | px / rem

ElementPropertypx / remSpacing token
Form itemsmargin-bottom0 px–
Title areamargin-bottom40 / 2.5$spacing-08
Gutter between items–1 px–
Buttonsmargin-top48 / 3$spacing-09
Structure and spacing measurements for a single column form

Structure and spacing measurements

AI presence

The following are the unique styles applied to the component when the AI label is present. Unless specified, all other tokens in the component remain the same as the non-AI variant. The AI styling spec of individual components inside of the form can be found on their respective style tabs.

For more information on the AI style elements, see the Carbon for AI guidelines.

ElementPropertyToken / Size
Form:backgroundbackground-color$layer *
Linear gradient:backgroundstart$ai-aura-start-sm
Linear gradient:bordertop$ai-border-start
AI labelsizelarge
Form AI presence

Structure and spacing measurements for an AI form.